Saturday, April 30, 2016

20 Crossfit Workouts You Can Do At Home

                                                                                                                                                            Whether you simply don’t have time to make it to your box/gym, don’t feel like forking over the cash or don’t have a box in your area you can still get a Crossfit workout in at home.  We have broken them down from beginner to advanced. All you need is 10 minutes give or take to get in an awesome workout in the comfort of your own home whenever you want. Chin up bar may be required for some workouts.    

In order from easiest to hardest (Approximately)

1) 5 Minute AMRAP  (as many reps/rounds as possible in 5 minutes)  10 air squats, 10 push ups, 10 sit ups
2) 21-15-9 of air squats and push-ups (21 reps of each then 15 reps of each then 9 of each)
3) 50 Burpees for time
4) Run half mile, 20 burpees – 3 rounds
5) 20 burpees, 20 push ups, 20 sit ups,  20 squats for 4 rounds
5) 100 Pull-ups.
6) 12 Burpees, followed by 12 pull-ups x 10 rounds.
7) Complete 5 box jumps, followed by 10 pull ups, and 15 knees to elbows as many times as you can in 20 minutes.

Related: Best Home Gyms for Weightlifters

8) Run 1 mile with 5 burpees EMOM (5 Burpees every minute on the minute)
9) 4 rounds as fast as possible – 400M sprint  then 50 squats
10) 20 minutes – AMRAP 5 Pushups, 10 Situps, 15 Squats
11) 100 Push-ups , 100 Sit-ups, 100 Squats
12) 20 minutes AMRAP 5 Handstand push-ups, 10 Pistols (single-leg squats)
13) 50 Sit-Ups – 50 Double-Unders – 50 Sit-Ups – 50 Walking Lunges – 50 Burpees – 50 Sit-Ups
14) 50 Burpee Pull-ups for time
15) 21-15-9  Lunges (each leg) Handstand Push-ups
16) Poor Man’s Seven: 7 Handstand push-ups, 7 squats, 7 pull ups, 7 burpees, 7 push-ups, 7 sit-ups, 7 knees to elbows – 7 Rounds for time
17) Angie For time: (complete in order) 100 pullups, 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats

18) Barbara 5 Rounds, rest 3:00 between each round:  20 pull-ups,  30 push-ups,  40 sit-ups,  50 squats
19) Chelsea On the minute, every minute for 30 minutes: 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 squats
20)  Murph For time: 1 mile Run,  100 pull-ups,  200 push-ups,  300 Squats 1 mile run

There you have it, 20 good workouts you can do without even leaving home. Enjoy!


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